Migration Law Training (MLT), a division of Legal Training Systems Pty Ltd, is pleased to provide detailed policies for student reference for a variety of areas including academic, financial and technical. If you have any questions about these policies or our professional education programs, please contact us at 02 8006 5570 or [email protected]
Cancellations and Refunds
Cancellations or Postponements by Learners – Live Webinars and Live Courses
Cancellations or requests for postponement by learners for live webinars and live courses must be made by email and sent to [email protected] and are subject to the following refund/postponement policy:
Live Webinars and Live Courses: Learner cancellations received by MLT at least 3 working days in advance of the scheduled course or webinar are entitled to receive a 100% refund. Learner cancellations received less than 3 working days in advance of the scheduled live course of webinar are entitled to credit towards a future online course, live course or live webinar, capacity permitting.
Failure to fully attend free category A CPDs without cancelling using the cancellation link on the registration email at last 1 business day prior to the CPD session will result in MLT declining enrolments for that MARN for the remainder of the calendar year.
Cancellations by MLT
If MLT is forced to postpone or cancel any of our courses, we will offer an immediate and full refund to all learners who have enrolled and paid for the course. We may also offer the alternative of enrolment in a similar or higher valued course should the learner choose that option.
All payments by learners in advance of a course activity are retained in a separate account to provide for refunds. Payments for a course activity are transferred to our operating account only after the course activity has occurred (live courses and live webinars).
MLT reserves the right to decline enrolment for any reason.
Learning and Assessment
MLT endeavours to provide a positive, productive, enjoyable and constructive learning experience for all learners in our courses.
For our live courses, we work with the course venues to make sure that all applicable occupational health and safety regulations are observed including advising learners of appropriate exits and facilities, assisting attendees with any medical needs that may arise during the courses, and ensuring that the course venues provided are clean, safe, and comfortable.
For our live webinars, we use industry leading online technology to deliver the webinars, and will work with learners who may encounter any difficulties listening to or view the webinars. Should a technical problem prevent a learner from properly participating in a live webinar, we will offer a full or partial refund depending on the nature and extent of the technical problem.
Unless specifically advised as group or team assessments or projects or otherwise instructed, all assessment tasks are intended to be undertaken by learners individually and without sharing information, questions or answers with other learners. Sharing of answers or related information prior to the completion of an assessment constitutes plagiarism and may be grounds for denying credit for the assessment to the learner(s) at the discretion of MLT.
Unfortunately due to previous incidents of theft of our intellectual property, we are unable to allow directors, management or staff (whether employees, contractors or subcontractors) of organisations who provide competing CPD from attending our courses. The same applies to those organisations themselves. If any such individuals or organisations register to any of our courses, we reserve the right to remove them from the roll of attendees at any time, without notice, at our entire discretion.
All learners, instructors and MLT staff will work in a safe environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, bullying or any other manner that is not respectful and professional. MLT observes all laws regarding workplace harassment, anti-discrimination, bullying and safety and will not tolerate any behaviour by staff, learners or instructors that is not in accordance with the letter and spirit of these regulations. Any disrespectful behaviour that may intimidate, embarrass, or otherwise be seen as offensive or inappropriate will constitute grounds for dismissal from a course and appropriate disciplinary action.
Any learners who have questions or issues regarding learning and assessments at MLT should contact MLT by phone at 02 8006 5570 or email [email protected]
We monitor attendance at live events and live webcasts to use in conjunction with giving credit for CPD points for OMARA purposes and otherwise. For live courses we require that identification be presented at each event and use sign-in/sign-out sheets to record attendance. It is each learner’s responsibility to sign these sheets upon arriving or departing the training venue. For live webinars, you will be required to upload a copy of your government issued ID card and will be issued a unique code to attend the course online. We use various technology to record the duration of attendance of each enrolee depending on the mode of delivery. For awarding of OMARA points, it is a requirement that learners attend the complete duration of live courses and seminars. This attendance information is retained for a period of 3 years in accordance with our data retention policies.
Availability and CPD points
For free CPD sessions:
RMAs can registered for Category A (limited seats) or category B (unlimited seats) sessions and claim 1 point
Lawyers can register only for the Category B session and claim points as per local law society rules (substantive law)
As there are limited seats for the Category A sessions, they are often fully booked within minutes after registrations open. But RMAs should check the website from time to time, in case any seats become vacant after initial registrations. Alternatively to Category A, RMAs can register for the Category B session.
Registrants who fail to attend a Category A session who did not cancel their registration at least 1 business day before the course starts and who do not attend, or only partially attend a free Category A session will not be allowed to attend future Category A sessions.
MLT endeavours to provide an enjoyable, practical and professional learning experience for all learners and instructors. If for any reason you are not satisfied with any aspect of your MLT experience, please advise us by email at [email protected] and include your name and contact information so that we can reply or respond to your inquiry. We will to respond to all complaints, inquiries or other communications within 2 working days.
Our Personnel
Our instructors are qualified professionals who are highly knowledgeable about the topic(s) they present to learners as part of our courses. Background and qualification information for our instructors can be found on the MLT website
Our administrative staff are committed to assisting learners and instructors with any administrative aspect of our courses including enrolment information and processes, payments and refunds, and working with learners to address any issues or questions that may come up before, during or after a course.
Evaluation and Continuous Improvement
MLT conducts internal audits of its courses every 6 months to ensure that MLT policies are being adhered to and that feedback from instructors and learners is considered and courses are updated, enhanced or changed as deemed necessary after considering all feedback and course results.
Feedback from learners and instructors is retained by MLT for 3 years. MLT fully cooperates with any OMARA audit or review of MLTs operations and courses, and will provide access to OMARA staff to conduct evaluations of any CPD activity.
Records Management, Reporting and Privacy
All records for courses, enrolled learners, attendance and related records is maintained by Migration Resources Pty Ltd at our company headquarters in Sydney for a period of 3 years after the course takes place or was scheduled to take place. The records retained by MLT include course feedback from learners and instructors, evidence of learner completion, a copy of the learning and assessment materials for the course and dates those materials were used, and records of electronic notifications sent to and from OMARA for learners who have successfully completed the course or activity.
Upon successful completion of a course and advice that a learner is a Registered Migration Agent as evidenced by the learner providing a MARN number, MLT will electronically notify OMARA of the successful completion of a course within 3 days of completion of the CPD event. If a learner requests faster notification of OMARA of the completion of a CPD event, MLT will endeavour to make such notification subject to MLT staff availability.
For each course enrolment, we require learners to provide their legal name, company name (if applicable) address, phone, email, MARN number (if applicable and applicant wishes to be awarded CPD points from MARA for the course). This information is retained for 3 years along with any other relevant course information pertaining to the enrolment including attendance information.